Sunday 12 April 2009

Darkfall and sprinting

I really enjoy darkfall. The game has many flaws but i am willing to overlook them and wait for them to be fixed. The one thing about the game that irks me the most however is the sprinting.

If you are not familiar with this, watch some youtube videos. Combat is very much run around like a chicken whacking your beak everywhere. People can basically sprint non stop for a few minutes whacking. They have improved it somewhat since beta but still it is lacking. I really think only a major overhaul of the sprinting system would work.

Sprinting also seems to be why ranged weapons have an insane advantage in the game. Basically makes combat too fast paced for short ranged weapons.

In beta the devs said they did not like the way sprinting worked out. They liked a solution offered by a tester the most. Which is basically like savage 2 where sprinting has a small pool it draws from. As you sprint for a few seconds, 10 at the most the pool drains. This basically turns sprint into a charge or retreat and not monkey monkey run. The only problem i see with this however is it would give mounts an unwanted advantage because players would be slower chacing them.

If they do not want to do that the only solution i could think of would be giving all the weapons outside of polearms equal range.

greatsword would be balanced speed and damage
Greatax be all about slow heavy all around damage.
Maces be about heavy damage toward armor

daggers you cannot really give much more distance so a bleed effect or bigger arc would likely be better.

Would be a shitty and boring system. But would be a shitty and boring that system that worked.

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